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Қазақстан Республикасы Білім және ғылым министрлігінің «Республикалық қосымша білім беру оқу-әдістемелік орталығы» РМҚК
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republican of Kazakhstan Republican
training and methodological center
of additional education
1) The national cultural and educational project "Generation +" aims at the development of research and creative potential students of schools, technical and vocational education in the country through participation in the implementing of collective and individual thematic of research and creative projects in the country's history, archeology, ethnography, culture.
In sections of the club "Generation +" is planned to place:
• presentations of individual or collective research projects;
• works of winners of the Republican distance competitions;
• news about important events that take place in your regions and others.
News on important events
Presentations of individual and collective research projects
The winners of the Republican contest of distance
CLUB "Generation +"
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